måndag 23 juni 2014

June - Done

The Rhino was finished and with the help of a lot of pigment.. Love 'em, makes the vehicle look really aged and used.


Were's our ride?

Soon enough... 
½ of June's goal accomplished!

But here are the dudes of SQ Bubonic.

Enjoy :)

oh and thanks for the inspiration on the platta and VM Krister Franzén :D


måndag 16 juni 2014

Death Guards, Squad Bubonic

Sense I have three sq of Plague Marines, they will be named after the three forms of plague


Plague is a disease caused by Yersinia pestis. There are three major manifestations:
Bubonic plague
Pneumonic plague
Septicemic plague

So it will be:
Sq Bobonic with the Rhino Flea
Sq Pneumonic with the Rhino Bacteria
Sq Septicemic with the Rhino Rat

This is Sq Bubonics build so far:

måndag 9 juni 2014

Custum Custas...

There is no combi-plasmas för the Terminators


I took out my trusty Dremel and went to work and it turned out fairly ok

Then i took the rest of the way too much green stuff i made up for the combi guns and made some bases for the upcoming Plauge Marines.

Better pics later on