torsdag 24 april 2014

Tale of X Gamers, Goal for April

Finished, Yay !

This is a tribute to all my long hours in the 90's trying to make the the darkness show in my Chaos models. I want this army to be dark and gruesome, true to the myth and easy to paint... (oh well) 

The first unit that stands ready are: 
Khornate Berzerkers:
8 of them, red, black and brass. 

Made in an attempt to speed paint and some eye candy. I don't use transfers, i don't like em! And i want the drawing to be sketchy and look painted. A tribute of old and a nice chaos feature in my pow and most of them variants of the Eye of Horus. 

Thoughts are to use the black rims as a base color as Horus first legion walked by the name Lunar Wolves (White armor/Black rims) You will hopefully see a few more things inspired by the Lunar wolves and hopefully it will blend in nicely. Though as Berzerkers, they don't really blend in, they are red...

Used red as base, black wash.
Trying to make the black more bluish-black rather than grey

White is plain and dirty, as meant to.
Brass is aged, what, do you really think the warp will make brass shine like gold... ohh nope, not in my book!
oh, pics you say?

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